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statistics-header-views (Talk) View statistics
statistics-mostpopular (Talk) Most viewed pages
statistics-pages (Talk) Pages
statistics-pages-desc (Talk) All pages in the wiki, including talk pages, redirects, etc.
statistics-summary (Talk)  
statistics-users (Talk) Registered [[Special:ListUsers|users]]
statistics-users-active (Talk) Active users
statistics-users-active-desc (Talk) Users who have performed an action in the last {{PLURAL:$1|day|$1 days}}
statistics-views-peredit (Talk) Views per edit
statistics-views-total (Talk) Views total
statistics-views-total-desc (Talk) Views to non-existing pages and special pages are not included
storedversion (Talk) Stored revision
Stored version
stub-threshold (Talk) Threshold for <a href="#" class="stub">stub link</a> formatting (bytes):
stub-threshold-disabled (Talk) Disabled
subcategories (Talk) Subcategories
subject (Talk) Subject/headline:
subject-preview (Talk) Subject/headline preview:
summary (Talk) Summary:
summary-preview (Talk) Summary preview:
sun (Talk) Sun
sunday (Talk) Sunday
sunday-at (Talk) Sunday at $1
suppress (Talk) Oversight
suppressedarticle (Talk) suppressed "[[$1]]"
suppressionlog (Talk) Suppression log
suppressionlogtext (Talk) Below is a list of deletions and blocks involving content hidden from administrators. See the [[Special:BlockList|block list]] for the list of currently operational bans and blocks.
suspicious-userlogout (Talk) Your request to log out was denied because it looks like it was sent by a broken browser or caching proxy.
svg-long-desc (Talk) SVG file, nominally $1 × $2 pixels, file size: $3
svg-long-desc-animated (Talk) Animated SVG file, nominally $1 × $2 pixels, file size: $3
svg-long-error (Talk) Invalid SVG file: $1
table_pager_empty (Talk) No results
table_pager_first (Talk) First page
table_pager_last (Talk) Last page
table_pager_limit (Talk) Show $1 items per page
table_pager_limit_label (Talk) Items per page:
table_pager_limit_submit (Talk) Go
table_pager_next (Talk) Next page
table_pager_prev (Talk) Previous page
tag-filter (Talk) [[Special:Tags|Tag]] filter:
tag-filter-submit (Talk) Filter
tag-list-wrapper (Talk) ([[Special:Tags|{{PLURAL:$1|Tag|Tags}}]]: $2)
tagline (Talk) From {{SITENAME}}
tags (Talk) Valid change tags
tags-active-header (Talk) Active?
tags-active-no (Talk) No
tags-active-yes (Talk) Yes
tags-description-header (Talk) Full description of meaning
tags-display-header (Talk) Appearance on change lists
tags-edit (Talk) edit
tags-hitcount (Talk) $1 {{PLURAL:$1|change|changes}}
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