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resetpass_header (Talk) Change account password
resetpass_submit (Talk) Set password and log in
resetpass_text (Talk) <!-- Add text here -->
resetprefs (Talk) Clear unsaved changes
resettokens (Talk) Reset tokens
resettokens-done (Talk) Tokens reset.
resettokens-legend (Talk) Reset tokens
resettokens-no-tokens (Talk) There are no tokens to reset.
resettokens-resetbutton (Talk) Reset selected tokens
resettokens-summary (Talk)  
resettokens-text (Talk) You can reset tokens which allow access to certain private data associated with your account here. You should do it if you accidentally shared them with someone or if your account has been compromised.
resettokens-token-label (Talk) $1 (current value: $2)
resettokens-tokens (Talk) Tokens:
resettokens-watchlist-token (Talk) Token for the web feed (Atom/RSS) of [[Special:Watchlist|changes to pages on your watchlist]]
$1 deleted edits
restoreprefs (Talk) Restore all default settings (in all sections)
restriction-create (Talk) Create
restriction-edit (Talk) Edit
restriction-level (Talk) Restriction level:
restriction-level-all (Talk) any level
restriction-level-autoconfirmed (Talk) semi protected
restriction-level-sysop (Talk) fully protected
restriction-move (Talk) Move
restriction-type (Talk) Permission:
restriction-upload (Talk) Upload
resultsperpage (Talk) Hits per page:
Hits per page:
retrievedfrom (Talk) Retrieved from "$1"
Retrieved from "$1"
returnto (Talk) Return to $1.
Return to $1.
retypenew (Talk) Retype new password:
Retype new password:
reuploaddesc (Talk) Cancel upload and return to the upload form
Return to the upload form.
rev-deleted-comment (Talk) (edit summary removed)
(comment removed)
rev-deleted-diff-view (Talk) One of the revisions of this diff has been '''deleted'''. You can view this diff; details can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/delete|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} deletion log].
rev-deleted-event (Talk) (log action removed)
rev-deleted-no-diff (Talk) You cannot view this diff because one of the revisions has been '''deleted'''. Details can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/delete|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} deletion log].
rev-deleted-text-permission (Talk) This page revision has been '''deleted'''. Details can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/delete|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} deletion log].
<div class="mw-warning plainlinks"> This page revision has been removed from the public archives. There may be details in the [{{fullurl:Special:Log/delete|page={{PAGENAMEE}}}} deletion log]. </div>
rev-deleted-text-unhide (Talk) This page revision has been '''deleted'''. Details can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/delete|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} deletion log]. You can still [$1 view this revision] if you wish to proceed.
rev-deleted-text-view (Talk) This page revision has been '''deleted'''. You can view it; details can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/delete|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} deletion log].
<div class="mw-warning plainlinks"> This page revision has been removed from the public archives. As an administrator on this site you can view it; there may be details in the [{{fullurl:Special:Log/delete|page={{PAGENAMEE}}}} deletion log]. </div>
rev-deleted-unhide-diff (Talk) One of the revisions of this diff has been '''deleted'''. Details can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/delete|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} deletion log]. You can still [$1 view this diff] if you wish to proceed.
rev-deleted-user (Talk) (username removed)
(username removed)
rev-deleted-user-contribs (Talk) [username or IP address removed - edit hidden from contributions]
rev-delundel (Talk) change visibility
rev-showdeleted (Talk) show
rev-suppressed-diff-view (Talk) One of the revisions of this diff has been '''suppressed'''. You can view this diff; details can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/suppress|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} suppression log].
rev-suppressed-no-diff (Talk) You cannot view this diff because one of the revisions has been '''deleted'''.
rev-suppressed-text-unhide (Talk) This page revision has been '''suppressed'''. Details can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/suppress|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} suppression log]. You can still [$1 view this revision] if you wish to proceed.
rev-suppressed-text-view (Talk) This page revision has been '''suppressed'''. You can view it; details can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/suppress|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} suppression log].
rev-suppressed-unhide-diff (Talk) One of the revisions of this diff has been '''suppressed'''. Details can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/suppress|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} suppression log]. You can still [$1 view this diff] if you wish to proceed.
revdel-restore (Talk) change visibility
revdel-restore-deleted (Talk) deleted revisions
revdel-restore-visible (Talk) visible revisions
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