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pageinfo-header-edits (Talk) Edit history
pageinfo-header-properties (Talk) Page properties
pageinfo-header-restrictions (Talk) Page protection
pageinfo-hidden-categories (Talk) Hidden {{PLURAL:$1|category|categories}} ($1)
pageinfo-language (Talk) Page content language
pageinfo-lasttime (Talk) Date of latest edit
pageinfo-lastuser (Talk) Latest editor
pageinfo-length (Talk) Page length (in bytes)
pageinfo-magic-words (Talk) Magic {{PLURAL:$1|word|words}} ($1)
pageinfo-not-current (Talk) Sorry, it's impossible to provide this information for old revisions.
pageinfo-protect-cascading (Talk) Protections are cascading from here
pageinfo-protect-cascading-from (Talk) Protections are cascading from
pageinfo-protect-cascading-yes (Talk) Yes
pageinfo-recent-authors (Talk) Recent number of distinct authors
pageinfo-recent-edits (Talk) Recent number of edits (within past $1)
pageinfo-redirects-name (Talk) Number of redirects to this page
pageinfo-redirects-value (Talk) $1
pageinfo-redirectsto (Talk) Redirects to
pageinfo-redirectsto-info (Talk) info
pageinfo-robot-index (Talk) Allowed
pageinfo-robot-noindex (Talk) Disallowed
pageinfo-robot-policy (Talk) Indexing by robots
pageinfo-subpages-name (Talk) Number of subpages of this page
pageinfo-subpages-value (Talk) $1 ($2 {{PLURAL:$2|redirect|redirects}}; $3 {{PLURAL:$3|non-redirect|non-redirects}})
pageinfo-templates (Talk) Transcluded {{PLURAL:$1|template|templates}} ($1)
pageinfo-title (Talk) Information for "$1"
pageinfo-transclusions (Talk) {{PLURAL:$1|Page|Pages}} transcluded on ($1)
pageinfo-views (Talk) Number of views
pageinfo-watchers (Talk) Number of page watchers
pagemerge-logentry (Talk) merged [[$1]] into [[$2]] (revisions up to $3)
pagemovedsub (Talk) Move succeeded
Move succeeded
pager-newer-n (Talk) {{PLURAL:$1|newer 1|newer $1}}
pager-older-n (Talk) {{PLURAL:$1|older 1|older $1}}
pagesize (Talk) (bytes)
pageswithprop (Talk) Pages with a page property
pageswithprop-legend (Talk) Pages with a page property
pageswithprop-prop (Talk) Property name:
pageswithprop-prophidden-binary (Talk) binary property value hidden ($1)
pageswithprop-prophidden-long (Talk) long text property value hidden ($1)
pageswithprop-submit (Talk) Go
pageswithprop-summary (Talk)  
pageswithprop-text (Talk) This page lists pages that use a particular page property.
pagetitle (Talk) $1 - {{SITENAME}}
$1 - {{SITENAME}}
pagetitle-view-mainpage (Talk) {{SITENAME}}
parentheses (Talk) ($1)
parser-template-loop-warning (Talk) Template loop detected: [[$1]]
parser-template-recursion-depth-warning (Talk) Template recursion depth limit exceeded ($1)
parser-unstrip-loop-warning (Talk) Unstrip loop detected
parser-unstrip-recursion-limit (Talk) Unstrip recursion limit exceeded ($1)
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