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july-gen (Talk) July
jumpto (Talk) Jump to:
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jumptonavigation (Talk) navigation
jumptosearch (Talk) search
jun (Talk) Jun
june (Talk) June
june-date (Talk) June $1
june-gen (Talk) June
just-now (Talk) just now
lag-warn-high (Talk) Due to high database server lag, changes newer than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|second|seconds}} may not be shown in this list.
lag-warn-normal (Talk) Changes newer than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|second|seconds}} may not be shown in this list.
laggedslavemode (Talk) '''Warning:''' Page may not contain recent updates.
Warning: Page may not contain recent updates.
language-converter-depth-warning (Talk) Language converter depth limit exceeded ($1)
large-file (Talk) It is recommended that files are no larger than $1; this file is $2.
largefileserver (Talk) This file is bigger than the server is configured to allow.
This file is bigger than the server is configured to allow.
last (Talk) prev
lastmodifiedat (Talk) This page was last modified on $1, at $2.
lastmodifiedatby (Talk) This page was last modified $2, $1 by $3.
license (Talk) Licensing:
license-header (Talk) Licensing
license-nopreview (Talk) (Preview not available)
licenses (Talk) -
limitall (Talk) all
limitreport-cputime (Talk) CPU time usage
limitreport-cputime-value (Talk) $1 {{PLURAL:$1|second|seconds}}
limitreport-expansiondepth (Talk) Highest expansion depth
limitreport-expansiondepth-value (Talk) $1/$2
limitreport-expensivefunctioncount (Talk) Expensive parser function count
limitreport-expensivefunctioncount-value (Talk) $1/$2
limitreport-postexpandincludesize (Talk) Post-expand include size
limitreport-postexpandincludesize-value (Talk) $1/$2 {{PLURAL:$2|byte|bytes}}
limitreport-ppgeneratednodes (Talk) Preprocessor generated node count
limitreport-ppgeneratednodes-value (Talk) $1/$2
limitreport-ppvisitednodes (Talk) Preprocessor visited node count
limitreport-ppvisitednodes-value (Talk) $1/$2
limitreport-templateargumentsize (Talk) Template argument size
limitreport-templateargumentsize-value (Talk) $1/$2 {{PLURAL:$2|byte|bytes}}
limitreport-title (Talk) Parser profiling data:
limitreport-walltime (Talk) Real time usage
limitreport-walltime-value (Talk) $1 {{PLURAL:$1|second|seconds}}
lineno (Talk) Line $1:
Line $1:
Link title
Internal link
linkprefix (Talk) /^((?>.*(?<![a-zA-Z\x80-\xff])))(.+)$/sD
linksearch (Talk) External links search
linksearch-error (Talk) Wildcards may appear only at the start of the hostname.
linksearch-line (Talk) $1 is linked from $2
linksearch-ns (Talk) Namespace:
linksearch-ok (Talk) Search
linksearch-pat (Talk) Search pattern:
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