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(User-installed website)
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Making a [[website]] can be very simple, or it can be very complicated. One should logically start with something simple and work up to more complicated. But most beginners, being unaware of all the possibilities, tend to start with something overly complicated, and suffer as result.
The possible solutions for making a [[website]] range from very simple to very complicated. The simplest solutions are easy to implement but have drawbacks such as limited capabilities or embedded publicity. More complicated solutions provide greater abilities, but the complexity can spiral out of control. The best solutions give the [[webmaster]] sufficient options while avoiding the need for endless fixing or programming.
==Developer-hosted website or user-installed website==
==Developer-hosted website or user-installed website==
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===User-installed website===
===User-installed website===
It is somewhat more difficult, but much more rewarding, to learn to install your own websites. This is generally done by using a [[web hosting service]], which provides space on a [[web server]] that they own (or lease) and run, as well as the Internet connectivity. For more information on installing a website on a [[web hosting service]], see the following sections below.
It is somewhat more difficult, but much more rewarding, to install your own websites. This is generally done by opening a paying account with a [[web hosting service]]. The service provides the [[webmaster]] with space on a [[web server]] that they run, as well as Internet connectivity. For more information on installing a website on a [[web hosting service]], see the following sections below.
A still more ambitious alternative is to rent your own [[web server]] from an [[internet hosting service]]. You can then install as many websites as you want on your own server (within limits, of course). For information on running your own web server, see [[How to run a web server]].
A still more ambitious alternative is to rent your own [[web server]] from an [[internet hosting service]]. You can then install as many websites as you want on your own server (within limits of storage space and bandwidth). For information on running your own web server, see [[How to run a web server]].
==Static website or dynamic website==
==Static website or dynamic website==

Latest revision as of 15:53, 27 January 2014