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Making a website can be very simple, or it can be very complicated.
The possible solutions for making a [[website]] range from very simple to very complicated. The simplest solutions are easy to implement but have drawbacks such as limited capabilities or embedded publicity. More complicated solutions provide greater abilities, but the complexity can spiral out of control. The best solutions give the [[webmaster]] sufficient options while avoiding the need for endless fixing or programming.
==Developer-hosted website or user-installed website==
===Developer-hosted website===
The simplest way to make a website is to sign up for a free [[blog]] on a [[developer-hosted platform]]. The website software is operated by the developer for the benefit of the blog authors. It is very easy to create your own personal blog using a default format. If you want to configure your blog to a personal format, most of these platforms will let you do so, but you will generally have to know [[HTML]] and [[Cascading Style Sheets|CSS]]. So this "simple" solution can rapidly become quite complicated.
==External Links==
===User-installed website===
It is somewhat more difficult, but much more rewarding, to install your own websites. This is generally done by opening a paying account with a [[web hosting service]]. The service provides the [[webmaster]] with space on a [[web server]] that they run, as well as Internet connectivity. For more information on installing a website on a [[web hosting service]], see the following sections below.
A still more ambitious alternative is to rent your own [[web server]] from an [[internet hosting service]]. You can then install as many websites as you want on your own server (within limits of storage space and bandwidth). For information on running your own web server, see [[How to run a web server]].
==Static website or dynamic website==
There are fundamental differences between a [[static website]] and a [[dynamic website]]. A static website is far simpler to create, configure and manage. Novice [[webmaster]]s should logically start by making a static website, but they often begin by struggling to implement a dynamic site, through lack of familiarity with all of the alternatives.
===Static website===
The simplest form of [[static website]] is just a collection of [[static web page]]s, written in [[HTML]], and stored in the [[file system]] of the [[web server]]. These static web pages generally contain [[hyperlinks]], by which the pages point to each other, and which tie them together to make a "site." The webmaster needs few skills beyond a rudimentary knowledge of [[HTML]], for formatting the [[static web page]]s, and of [[FTP]] for installing the files on the [[web server]]. For detailed instructions, see [[How to install a static website]].
===Dynamic website===
A [[dynamic website]] is a highly complex system, made up of a hierarchy of files written in a mixture of [[HTML]], [[CSS]] and a [[scripting language]], and connected to a [[database]]. The website script dynamically reconstructs the [[web page]] each time the server receives a request for the page from a client. It uses a standard format stored in the file system, and fetches the appropriate content for each page element from the website's database. A [[dynamic website]] is generally implemented by using a [[Content Management System]] (CMS), selected from among the many that are available for creating and managing dynamic websites. While use of a CMS simplifies deployment of a dynamic website, such deployment requires knowing how to install and use the CMS software, and generally also requires some knowledge of database management, scripting languages and other more advanced Internet skills. This is a major undertaking, but is within reach if you are sufficiently motivated. For detailed instructions, see  [[How to install a dynamic website]].
==Installing your own static website==
(To be written)
Installing your website on a web hosting service
:See [[How to install a static website]]
==Installing your own dynamic website==
(To be written)
:See [[How to install a dynamic website]]
==Installing a test website on localhost==
(To be written)
:See [[How to install a website on localhost]].
==See also==
*[[How to install a static website]]
*[[How to install a dynamic website]]
*[[How to install a website on localhost]]
*[[How to run a web server]]
==Wikipedia Links==
*Developer hosted platforms: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blog_hosting_service#Developer-hosted_platforms
*User Hosted Platforms: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blog_hosting_service#User_hosted_platforms
*Web hosting service: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_hosting
*Static website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Website#Static_website
*Dynamic website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Website#Dynamic_website
==Other External Links==

Latest revision as of 15:53, 27 January 2014