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Paying for a hosted blog brings additional services, notably customer support. Some blog hosts, such as [http://typepad.com Typepad], offer only a paying service. Others, such as [http://wordpress.com Wordpress], offer both an entry-level free service and a paying service for additional features and support.
Paying for a hosted blog brings additional services, notably customer support. Some blog hosts, such as [http://typepad.com Typepad], offer only a paying service. Others, such as [http://wordpress.com Wordpress], offer both an entry-level free service and a paying service for additional features and support.
==Selected list of developer hosted platforms==
==Selected lists of developer-hosted platforms==
===Selected free blog platforms===
===Selected free blog platforms===
*Blogger (customizable, but the software has no stand-alone version): http://blogger.com
*Blogger (customizable, but the software has no stand-alone version): http://blogger.com

Revision as of 09:32, 19 May 2010